Dead men tell no tales… except this one.


Courtesy of Disney

Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) returns for his fifth movie in the “Pirates” series.

By Joe Whitlam, Staff Writer

Johnny Depp is back again as the lovable, goofy, drunk pirate Captain Jack Sparrow in Disney’s “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.” This time Jack faces off with the ghost of a Spanish pirate-killing Captain Salazar, played by Javier Bardem. He battles Salazar with Henry Turner and Carina searching for the fabled “Poseidon’s Trident.” According to legend, the trident will reverse all curses on the sea. Henry Turner is the son of beloved characters William Turner and Elizabeth Swan and Henry wants to release the curse that is keeping his parents apart.

This movie introduces a whole new generation to the series. There is lots of action including sword fighting, ship battles, deadly ghosts, and magic. There’s a bit of romance between the new characters Carina and Henry. The movie is great if you’re a fan of the series, but it seems to invent itself as it goes on. It’s also very similar to the previous “Pirates” movies. In the end it’s a good movie for the family.