Episode (the app) review

Episode (the app) review

By Harley Bradshaw, Staff Writer


Whenever I hear someone talk about the game Episode, it’s always spoken negatively. Yes, the app (from the outer appearance) seems very cliche and cringey but aren’t you taught to not judge a book by its cover (although, it’s only an app). Before we get deep into details about why you should give Episode a shot, let me just summarize what Episode is really about and the facts.

Ready for some fun facts about Episode? I’m not sure of the date when Episode was created and I wanna say Episode was created in 2012-2013, so let’s go with that. Only recently did Episode start to boom with popularity for writers, and especially now that  you can make money off of your story. Episode is a way to create stories with pictures (yes, sounds very lame but let me explain). Not only can you create stories, but you create the picture, the choices, and the way the reader (too vague) (and maybe give them the option to create their own character). Episode is a way to create stories in a more styled way, than nowadays; the formatting is exactly like how you’d write a screenplay, but the way it’s played out is like a story.

When I first started playing Episode, back in 2014, I always thought to myself, “what the hell is this?” I always thought Episode was a little wack till this last year when I discovered another aspect of Episode… You get to create stories, at first it is very difficult to grasp the style of writing for each Episode, but soon it becomes a fun activity to do in your spare time. Not only can you create stories, but you can absorb ways to write or how to write, from other people’s stories. People think Episode is only filled with cliche romance stories, but they also have a mystery, comedy, and drama section. Overall, Episode is a really cool to get lost in stories because there are some really talented writers on there (I mean that’s probably why they get paid). I would have to tell you one thing and that is; go check out the “create your story” section on Episode and who knows? Maybe you could discover a talent for writing within you that you never knew?