How to Tumblr

For the past couple years, my dear, dear friends have spent countless hours partaking in the multimedia world of Tumblr , a website where one can create a blog, post pictures, and intereact with a huge community of bloggers.  Throughout that period of time, I had managed to avoid succumbing to the hundreds of clamoring fandoms beckoning from Tumblr’s dark blue doors.

Recently, I finally gave in and created an account. This decision has left me both excited and worried. An inner struggle rages within my mind now. My  “smart brain” says, “Homework, remember? That’s a thing you have to do.”

In response, my newly acquired “Tumblr brain” whispers, “No. Re-blogging time, it’s time for endless re-blogging, and endless photos and GIFs. Give in.” And, I’m ashamed to say, I do give in.

In the increasing amount of time I’ve spent on there, I have discovered there is a certain method to Tumbling. With the help of my veteran Tumblrites, I have researched and developed this method, and now I present it to those new or interested in Tumblr.

Creating an Account:

There are thousands of blogs, all centered on different things: art, advice, bands, cars, photography, humor, you name it. It would appear to me that there are three main types of blog: fandom, hipster, and a mix of the two. It’s rather easy to identify what breed a blog is. If the page is post after post of the same area of interest (i.e. Doctor Who, Marvel, Supernatural, Disney, etc…), it is what one would call a “Fandom blog.” Some fandom blogs are centered on one show, movie, or band, while others have several interests. Blogs that contain media from several topics are called “Multi-fandoms.” If you are interested in one topic in particular, than a Fandom blog would probably be the type for you.

The generally accepted Fandom blog has a URL related to the topic of interest, and contains mostly, if not only, media from that subject. How you go from there is up to you. Design your page all snazzy and go crazy.

Hipster blogs are a little harder to define, but are also easy to identify. They are the blogs that aren’t centered on a TV show or band, but post pictures of cute or indie things, such as trees, couples, flowers, perhaps even the occasional kitten. If the fandom life didn’t choose you, and pictures of tea and clouds are up your alley, then a Hipster blog might be for you.

If both appeal, than make a blog that mixes the two, or create several blogs centered on different topics. Tumblr is about having fun and being creative, so really, do whatever you want.

Understanding the Native Language:

I immediately recognized the fact that Tumblr users seem to have a language of their own. It’s as though they are writing in the midst of a hysterical laughing fit, all the while retaining a witty and sarcastic sense of humor. Thus phrases such as “too many feels” and “;alksjdf;lksfd:” were born. The language of Tumblr is a truly glorious and original dialect.

If you want to speak the language of Tumblr, it’s very simple. Let your emotions take over your hands on the keyboard, use as much onomatopoeia as possible, and dramatize what you are saying as often as you can.

For example:

Thinks: “Wow, that’s a nice picture of an actor I like.”


And another example:

Thinks: “That is offensive.”

Types: I am 100000% done with humankind. I JUST CAN’T ANYMORE.

Add as many puns, “sentences” in caps lock, and memes as you can to any conversation you take part in, and you’ll fit right in.

What else?

From there, just make sure to reblog and tag as many things as possible, so that people will have a reason to follow you. Find blogs that interest you and follow them. It’s rather self-explanatory. Tumblr is a great community of creative individuals who are open to talking about almost everything and anything, and if creativity is your thing, Tumblr is the place for you.