San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang

San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang

San Dieguito Academy Newspaper

The Mustang


The Mustang is the go-to student school news source. The goal is to inform the San Dieguito Academy community, including students, teachers, administrators, and parents, of events and issues pertaining to the school. We provide a space to voice and exchange ideas. 

We are committed to remaining independent from the influence of the administration and other groups who may wish to use the newspaper to pursue their interests.

The paper is run by students at San Dieguito Academy in Encinitas, CA, and publishes online articles frequently. We also publish monthly newspapers.

The paper is comprised of editors, staff writers, and artists. This can be seen on our website and in print. We produce in print newspapers from September to June. 


Contacting The Mustang Newspaper

Please send story tips and comments to 

For any inquiries about the newspaper about advertising or anything in general, please contact the advisor Yoshiye LeaVesseur at