The Walking Dead: Episode 606 “Always Accountable”

Last Sunday, fans of The Walking Dead were thrilled when the entire episode was focused on part of the group that has been on an important mission for some time now.
Darryl, Sasha, and Abraham were all on a mission to lead a giant herd of walkers away from their community, and in this episode we saw their departure from their heroic expedition. While driving through a small town on their way back to their community, the group was ambushed by a larger platoon of gunmen. Darryl drove off on his motorcycle, while Sasha and Abraham were forced in a different direction. Darryl was pursued, but he escaped into the forest, while Abraham and Sasha were chased down by two cars filled with gunmen. Sasha and Abraham eventually prevailed and escaped themselves, but by that point both parties were separated.
The episode switched back and forth between the lone Darryl and the duo of Sasha and Abraham. A lot happened to Darryl this episode; he was ambushed by a small assemblage of unsuspecting survivors, who mistook him for a member of the group that initially attacked Abraham, Sasha, and himself. Darryl eventually escaped and snatched all of their supplies while the group was distracted; however, he had a change of heart and decided to go back and try to help them because they did not hurt him initially and they were not likely to survive without their supplies. It emphasized the compassion and hope that Darryl has that there are still good people out there.
While focused on Abraham and Sasha the show was a bit more lax. They camped out in a nearby building while leaving breadcrumbs for Darryl to find them. Abraham toiled with his patience and learned to be more persevering; prior to this episode Abraham was a brute who acted more on impulses and less on rational decision making. On a run, he stumbled upon a jackpot: a stock of military-grade RPG’s and a box of Cuban cigars. He brings these useful items back to Sasha and the two wait it out until Darryl finds his way back to them.
Darryl was ready to bring the small group he found back to his community, but at the last second, they back-stabbed him and stole his crossbow and motorcycle. One does not simply steal Darryl’s crossbow and motorcycle, and as Darryl stated as they rode off with his items, “they’ll be sorry.”
Eventually, Darryl did make it back to Abraham and Sasha, driving a fuel truck that he found. Reunited, the three of them journey back to Alexandria, the group’s community. The very end of the episode left viewers with a cliff-hanger, when an unknown voice called over the walkie-talkie saying “help.” Fans think that this may be the voice of a distressed Glenn, whose fate we are still unsure of. We will have to wait until next Sunday to see who it was, but until then, the suspense is off the charts.