Vampires and Cannibalism can Teach Morals? Lore Podcast Review

Vampires and Cannibalism can Teach Morals? Lore Podcast Review

Looking to impress your friends this Halloween with some unheard of scary stories? Check out the podcast Lore where, “Sometimes the truth is more frightening than fiction.”  Lore, a podcast narrated, written, and produced by Aaron Mahnke, explores the history behind common folktales.

Each episode, narrated in a short 15 to 20 minute span, focuses on an uniquely scary theme, such as vampires, witches, or fae. A historical event relating to the theme is told, such as the persecution of a woman accused of witchcraft or the hunt for a mysterious beast that had ravaged a town.

Mahnke explores the underlying causes to the supernatural events, explaining why a person acted the way they did, what was really going on, and how, in reality, the mysterious events have logical causes. But in order a tell great story, there has to be more than just great content. The beautiful descriptions of a once clouded past seem to transfer from soft words to vivid mental images.

It’s like history had breathed its damp breath over the window of truth and Aaron Mahnke is there to wipe the fog away. The perfectly timed piano background, the low and slow voice seemingly created for radio, and the subtle pauses between important points adjoin to create something righteous and amazing.

The history folklore in a storytelling setting is refreshing and creates a chilling and high quality indie vibe. The writing is carefully thought out, thoroughly researched, and not overly opinionated.

Lore is one of the highest quality new podcasts out there and more deserving of the public’s attention. If you check out one new thing this month, check out Lore, a free and easily downloadable podcast available now on itunes.


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