The New Face of SDA Athletics

By Lindsey King, Sports Editor

By now, if you play sports, it is well known that Justin Conn is the new athletic director. After previously teaching English at San Dieguito Academy, he has taken on a new challenge.

Conn is excited to put a couple things he is passionate about together: “One being SDA and the other being athletics”. As a runner and former high school sports player, athletics have had a huge impact on his life, he said.

In the past few years, SDA sports have been growing and improving. Conn feels that the timing is right for him to take the position. By becoming athletic director, Conn feels that it is a great opportunity for him to try out administration and see where it might take him in the future.
By taking the position and transitioning from teaching “at least one AP class a year” as well as other various English classes to not having a classroom to go to each day, he “sees potential for broader impact [on students]” by being athletic director. He also has taken on being a teacher on special assignment to help implement Common Core.

As athletic director, Conn has big plans for SDA. He wants sports to have a greater presence on campus and get more students to games. He plans to do this by keeping in contact with ASB, using social media as a way to get the word out and also sending a weekly update to teachers about games.
He “hopes that we get teachers out there but also… students, as well as [awareness] about when big events are coming up,” Conn said.