The Big Wedding


By Elise Echeverria, Staff Writer

Despite its misleading previews, displaying an all-star cast, cute love scenes, and cheesy jokes, “The Big Wedding” is not your typical rom-com. So moviegoers beware: if you’re looking for a few laughs with a “tear-jerker” predictable ending, then this is not the film for you.

Although fairly predictable in plot, this movie aims to score laughs with raunchy adult humor that would leave your grandmother blushing. It focuses on  long-divorced couple Don and Ellie Griffin ( Robert De Niro and Diane Keaton) who must pretend to still be married at their adopted son’s wedding in order to keep his biological, and very religious, mother happy. Others in the caste included Robin Williams, Amanda Seyfried, Katherine Heigl, and Topher Grace.

Although the storyline and star-ridden cast have potential, ultimately the excessive amount of sexual humor made it too uncomfortable to be enjoyable. I know you might be thinking that crude humor is exactly what makes high school kids laugh, but not in this case. I highly doubt that teenagers are interested in watching a either a 30-year-old virgin or two 60-somethings get intimate. Hence comes another piece of advice, if you do decide to go see this movie, which I’d advise against, DO NOT go see it with your parents.

This movie does have its moments, whether it be a brief sentimental scene between estranged family members or a few surprising twists that strayed from the foreseeable plot. Diane Keaton and Robert De Niro definitely stood out, their antagonistic interactions with each other providing some comic relief. However, it wasn’t enough to make the movie worthwhile.

So if you’re looking to be the youngest person in the theater by more than 50 years and sit through almost two hours of vulgar jokes between over 60–year-olds, then by all means go see this movie. Otherwise this movie is not worth $12 and two hours of your time. At the very least it could provide entertainment for a very boring afternoon once it comes out on DVD.