Evil Dead

Evil Dead

By Andrew Walker, Staff Writer

“Evil Dead,” the top horror movie of this year so far, hit theatres as the very scary remake of the original “Evil Dead” of the eighties.  The movie did its part as a remake meaning it wasn’t a disgrace to the classic. The praise it got though was a little much. The scary part of a movie should be comprised of multiple elements:  suspense, gore, music, atmosphere, etc.  One cannot simply saw off limbs and call it horror.

The new “Evil Dead” was mostly a gore-intensive film. Sure, there was a lot of blood and a lot of loud screaming, but suspense elements were lacking. The characters made bad choices, of course, which made the film capable of a few giggles and sporadic gasps around the theatre. It will be a good watch for those that can appreciate the outrageousness of horror movies.

I will say this; the gore was impressive. You know it’s fake, but having that knowledge won’t stop from you cringing a couple times. Amputated limbs look like amputated limbs no matter how you look at them.

Is it worth the watch? Yes. I’d advise having an idea of what you’re getting into. Squeamish personalities beware. But all in all, it’s a pretty fun watch.