Fear the Walking Dead: Episode 103, “The Dog”

Fear the Walking Dead: Episode 3 Luke Oldham

In the third installment to the new hit AMC series, “Fear the Walking Dead,” organized civilization begins to fade away as our main characters face personal tragedy and horror literally in their own backyard.
Travis, the father, leads his family, along with another, in a heroic escape out of the city. When they make it back to Travis’s house, his wife and stepchildren are experiencing horror of their own. A zombie has entered their house and they are watching from afar as Travis and his company enters the home ready to be reunited. Both parties converge in the midst of the monster and they reluctantly shoot the zombie to save themselves.
After touching base with one another, they plan to leave for the desert first thing in the morning, in order to get away from the chaos surrounding their highly-populated area. Then, just as they are driving off the next morning, the military comes and stops them. Claiming that they are there to patrol and protect the area, our characters remain concealed in their quiet, yet populated suburbs.
“Walking Dead” fans could get frustrated easily while watching this episode due to the fact that they know more than the characters in the show. In this episode, more than others, decisions are made that a seasoned veteran of the series would scoff at. However, this nagging feeling the viewer gets when they know the right thing to do at a cross-roads in the show, adds to the intensity and the connectivity that this new series offers.
AMC never seems to disappoint, and fans of the series wait impatiently for next Sunday at 9 p.m.