The Walking Dead: Episode 601 “First Time Again”

It’s been a long wait since the ultra-popular show, “The Walking Dead,” concluded its fifth season. As always, the season finale left fans eager for the show to return. Last season ended with a bang, quite literally, as the main character Rick Grimes shot and killed a man because he committed a murder himself. Yeah, a lot of blood was shed; but bloodshed is what “Walking Dead” fans love most. The fans were delighted when the thrilling action was returned to home televisions last Sunday night.
In an artsy, and untraditional style, the season premier flashed back and forth between past and present. Throughout the episode, the scenes would shift from black and white, which represented the past, to full color which represented the present. When in the past, it would show the group planning an epic mission to lead a massive heard of “walkers” away from their camp, while in the present it would show them executing it. All of this worked to perfection, as certain details were picked up in the sequences from the past that made understanding the future sequences much easier. This type of setup has never been done before on “The Walking Dead” and was an interesting, unique way to lead viewers into the new season.
While the season premier took an innovative route to take the show, it did not take away from the action and thrill that has put “The Walking Dead” on the map. Every moment of this episode had purpose, and execution of the mission to lead the zombies away from the camp, was engaging and intense.
All seemed to be going well with the plan, until a loud honking car horn back at camp leads the majority of the walkers in that direction. This is a surprise for everyone, characters and fans alike, and viewers can’t wait until next Sunday at 9 p.m. to find out what will happen.