Surfer vs. Skater – Oct. 2012

Seniors surfer Hannah Van Veen and skater Justin Santana answer hard-hitting questions in the ghetto version of a presidential debate.

By Lily LeaVesseur, Business Manager/CAF Editor

Is there another word for synonym?
Surfer: Antonym.
Skater: Cinnamon.

Surfer, let me help you. You are incorrect, mistaken; you boofed it. These are synonyms for WRONG. However antonyms for wrong (which your answer is) are right, correct, A+, flawless, bingo! But you are none of those things; you are just confused. Minus five points for how many synonyms I came up with.
Skater, don’t you blatantly ignore my question. The most you can amount to with that answer is someone who tries to takes a video of themselves doing the cinnamon challenge and throwing up, only to receive a measly 1,800 views. Minus 1,800 points.

Do prostitutes call their private parts public parts?
Surfer: That’s gross. I dunno.
Skater: They’re not public parts until you pay the fee.

Skater, you have an interesting take on anatomical economics. I see you as the prostitycoon of the future with that mindset. But we’re trying to step out of our own shoes and into the pinching high heels of a lady/gentlemen of the night. How does she refer to her nether-regions? I don’t know. That’s why I asked you. But with that answer, we may never know. Minus ten points for all the times I won’t know what to say when someone asks me that question at a dinner party.
Surfer, it is difficult for me to respond to that question. What’s gross? What do you dunno? I dunno. But I do like your honest way of speaking. You say just what’s on your mind. You’re no phony, you’re goddamn Holden Caulfield. The Catcher in the Rye was a pretty good book, so here are eight symbolic points.

If you hate haters, are you a hater?
Surfer: If you hate haters, you’re a hater.
Skater: Don’t hate in the first place.

Surfer, this isn’t an English 9 Honors reading response homework assignment. You don’t need to repeat the question in your answer and use full sentences. And if I were an English 9 Honors teacher I’d try to be nice and preface my next comment with something nice like “Your answer is clear and easy to decipher. I know where you stand on the hatin’.” But my job here is to make fun of your answers and reward you points for how much you don’t disappoint me. However, I see little to work with here, and am therefore disappointed by negative thirteen points.
Skater, I like your message. Why hate, when you can appreciate? I appreciate you so much I’m awarding you with five points.

If swearing is immature, why is it referred to as potty language?
Surfer: I just call it potty language.
Skater: Because adults are immature. Children don’t naturally swear.

Skater, that is an interesting societal commentary on age stereotyping. Unfortunately this ain’t no Time magazine, yo, and I don’t have the mental capacity to analyze that poetic piece of poetry. So plus 100 points ‘cause you sound smart.
Surfer, plus no points because I just realized this questions doesn’t make any sense, and that’s your fault.

Surfer: -10 points
Skater: -1700 points
Yay Surfer! You win nothing!