Why do People Hate Minions?

After “Despicable Me” came out in 2010, Universal Studios took advantage of its success and began to market the capitalistic tic-tac-like minions. They were cute, simple, and had a huge fan base. Now, over five years later, minions can be found almost everywhere including billboards, bus stops, and can even be found on easter eggs and toilet paper.

In response to this, the media has fostered a fiery and relentless hatred against these yellow oval creatures. Youtube is highly concentrated with videos of minions being set on fire and various conspiracy theories including the idea that minions are actually the genetically modified potatoes that Stalin stole from Ukraine in order to starve their people.

To many people, they are viewed as intrinsically evil. They have plastered themselves onto the walls of most convenience stores and have made their way into the classic suburban Facebook kind of meme.

Minion rage has also been very present at San Dieguito Academy. “Their voice drives some to madness,” said sophomore Everett Leveque.

Freshman Julia Herold said, “I honestly have no idea why people think they are cute. They are literally everywhere and I long for the days in which I don’t see their evilness everywhere I go.”

At first, “Despicable Me” was a heartwarming movie about a caring villain. However, that joy was destroyed when the formerly cute minions took over the world and had their own soulless movie created. This movie had no plot and was a nightmare come true for many. The minions are taking over the world and we must band together to stop them before it’s too late.