Con: Not Worth it to Catch ‘Em All

By Devin Gaan, Staff Writer

Even with the immense popularity and positives of Pokémon Go, there also exists many negatives to the mobile phenomenon. First, the issue of safety is a major topic of debate with regards to Pokémon Go.

As smart phones have taken over the modern world, the app provides even further incentive for users to wander the environment with their eyes glued to their cellular devices. Travel to any busy area in Encinitas such as Highway 101 and you can find people of all ages with their heads down hunting for Pokémon.

Naturally, there are obvious risks to wandering busy areas with your eyes glued to your phone, and there have already been many Pokémon Go-related accidents around the world.

One example occurred about a couple miles from SDA in July, when two “trainers” glued to their phones were not paying attention to where they were walking and walked right off the side of the road. One fell approximately 50 feet while the other fell about 80 feet down to the beach below, according to The San Diego Union Tribune.

Similarly, drivers can also be affected. Many players are now provided with even more incentive to utilize their phones while they drive, and this can be especially dangerous for the target audience of the game: young teenagers. Motor-vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death for teenagers, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and when faced with the urge to check for any new Pokémon while maybe stopped at an intersection, many teenagers may give in and increase their chances of getting involved in an accident.

Furthermore, Pokémon Go is not only a distraction but an annoyance. Many people do not appreciate the amount of distracted people wandering the streets, from Encinitas surfers frustrated by players crowding the beaches to business owners suffering from people crowding their businesses with no intention of purchasing their products. Players are becoming more and more addicted to their phones, and rather than getting outside to walk for the sake of exercise, people are wasting their time gazing at the digital creatures that inhabit their screens rather than paying attention to the beautiful world around them. So while Pokémon Go may have revolutionized cellular gaming, it also may have signaled the beginning of a world where people are truly slaves to their phones.