Students do Tai Chi to Relieve Stress

By Kieran Zimmer, Features Editor

Partially barefoot and void of negative energy, students gathered on the wet grass in front of the PAC Thursday during homeroom to practice Tai Chi, put on by science teacher Eric Smith’s homeroom as part of Homeroom Olympics.

Juniors Keegan Leach and Jack Severson stood on stage, leading the crowd that had gathered. Clad in karate uniforms (careful to mention the fact that they did not actually know Tai Chi) they instructed students to sway and swing their arms to eliminate any stress and negativity.

As the session progressed and the leaders ran out of Tai Chi moves, Severson began to sway the crowd towards meditation. Between the didgeridoo music playing over the PA and soothing yet humorous words of encouragement, students and staff alike were certainly having a fun time. Leach walked through the audience passing out karate belts for audience members who were “working hard,” while junior Patrick Rahilly worked a bubble blowing apparatus.

When the clock began to tick out, Severson switched to karate and got the crowd punching and yelling to their hearts’ content, getting out the last remnants of pent up stress. When the bell rang to go to second period, students were happily remarking left and right how relaxed they felt.