Homeroom Olympics Scavenger Hunt


Sarah Kochanek

Students report their findings in front of the PAC for the scavenger hunt.

The 2014 SDA Homeroom Olympics kicked off today with the opening event: the scavenger hunt. The list of required items included a senior tile with the word “jam” on it, a penny dated 1996, and Dr. Jones’s business card.

There was a tie for first place, with both science teacher Michael Santos and math teacher Kristen Huy collecting 510 points. Each of the top homerooms collected 34 items, with the second and third place coming close with 32 and 31 items respectively.

Homeroom Olympics committee senior Adira Fogel said, “I was surprised at how many homerooms were able to find such obscure items.”

Just in time for the winter games in Sochi, which start Feb. 5, SDA found its Olympic spirit. 42 out of the 58 homerooms participated, a record high for the first event according to Fogel. Eighteen homerooms have over 200 points each after only the first event, including ties for first, second, and fifth place.

“Our homeroom’s strategy was to split up the list among everyone and go get the different items. I’m very dedicated to my homeroom and I wanted to do as much as possible to win. I actually ran to my car and got my yoga mat,” said senior Soledad Ozores from history teacher Scott Huntley’s homeroom.

What did the students have to find? Here’s the list:


1996 Penny

Photo with ReyRey

Clothing Hanger

Picture of your Homeroom teacher in a graduation gown

$2 bill

Sr. tile with the word ‘Jam’ written on it

Picture of an Emergency Bag

Mechanical pencil lead

Pink shoelace

Reusable water bottle

Origami crane

A picture with a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior making four different faces (in the

same picture)

Latest school newspaper

Picture of your homeroom spelling out SDA, on the grass, with their bodies

Compass that doesn’t point North


Eraser cap

Yoga mat

A green gummy bear



Inflated balloon

Bow tie

Cooking utensil (no knives)

Petri dish

ASB football

Magenta hair tie

Boot (left foot only)

A reference book

A match stick

Ring made in the Tech Wheel

SAT or ACT booklet

Dr. Jones’ business card

Piece of cardboard

Something leopard print

Receipt from El Nopalito

Somebody with their hair braided

Expired Student I.D.

Formal Ticket

A participant with ‘Homeroom Olympics 2014☺’ written on them

Masquerade Mask

Your homeroom’s flag