Senior Out: Day 5

It’s day five of senior out, and I still haven’t gotten my person out. He knew from the beginning that I had him, which made it apparent that someone betrayed me. Today has been pretty uneventful compared to others. I have been very successful at always having someone with me, so even though the person that has me is closely watching, she hasn’t had any opportunities to tag me since her attempt on Friday.

It happened after school that day. The original person that had me, Josh Ade, not only tried to tag me in my homeroom, but also hid in the office area of the Journalism room. When he realized that I knew he was in the office, he came out very angry and yelled “You are so hard to get out!” That didn’t stop him from trying again.

After school he stalked me at track and eventually pretended to leave, only to go and hide in a different spot. That was when the person that had him went for it and tagged him out when he let his guard down.

At that time I didn’t know, so when I saw senior Leigh Houck, who had had Josh and now had me, coming towards me I wanted to talk to her about making some sort of pact that would let me get at least one person out. When I approached her with my trustworthy bodyguard, junior Mary Ford, I wasn’t scared until she asked me why I got a guard and she didn’t.

When Mary started to leave, I saw Leigh start to lunge forward, and I barely got within the five foot range of Mary before she slapped me on the shoulder to get me out. Her friends screamed with joy until I pointed out the distance between Mary and me.

I’m still constantly looking over my shoulder, waiting for Leigh to jump out and tag me. I have gotten close to giving up on getting my target, but it’s still game on for now.