Formal Proposals!

Here are some fun, quirky ideas about how to ask that hunk to SDA’s winter dance.

Hello ladies and congratulations on deciding to attend formal! It’s a magical night (Think prom but bigger). As you all know, formal is a Sadie Hawkins, girls-ask-guys dance. This means that in the midst of picking out a dress and making party bus plans, there is the additional dilemma of how to ask your potential date. That’s where I come in!

Everyone wants to ask in a creative, funny, instagrammable way. But after a while, it can be hard to come up with something entirely original. Here are some ideas:

Option 1: Break into your potential date’s house. Spell out “Formal?” on the floor out of their dirty laundry.

Option 2: Kidnap their dog (or cat or fish). Send a romantic ransom note that says you won’t give their pet back until they go with you to formal.

Option 3: Ask them to marry you, and then say “JK, formal?” This is a psychological persuasion tactic.

Option 4: Shave your head and get a tattoo on your scalp that says “Formal?” Bonus: great hair for formal photos AND reusable for next year.

Option 5: Write “Formal with your name?” in reverse on their forehead while they sleep at night. Use a sharpie. When they look in the mirror the next morning, they’ll be in for a pleasant surprise.

Bonus Idea: (If you are male or an adventurous female) Hire a snow machine and cover your potential date’s yard in snow. Write “Formal?” with your pee in the snow.


Helpful tip:

Know where your potential date is at all times. Get their phone number and track them using FindFriends.

Having a copy of their house key makes breaking in much easier.