How to Get a Valentine

Due to the fact that Valentine’s Day will soon be dawning upon us, I thought I’d give a few tips to all the single men and ladies pining for that romantic Valentine’s experience. You’re welcome in advance for the love that will come your way, if you just follow these simple steps. Best of luck.

Acquire target on a potential man/woman with promise.
Learn everything about that person. With knowledge comes power, and that is what you need for a strong relationship/Valentine’s date: favorite color, birthday, siblings, mother’s maiden name, criminal record, blood type…EVERYTHING is important.
When moving forward, it is important to take baby steps. Begin walking past them to discreetly smell their hair. You may even decide to obtain a lock of hair for yourself. Make sure to definitely keep this low-profile so you don’t come off as creepy.
Now, as you’ve familiarized yourself with your special someone’s smell, it’s time to leap into the stage of talking. Yes, talking. Don’t freak out; just keep your eye on the prize: a smoking Valentine’s date.
Some tips for conversation: stare deeply into their eyes. As deep as you can to really penetrate into their soul. It’s best if you can train yourself to not blink for several minutes. This will really impress your target man or woman, locking them in for this Valentine’s Day.

These series of steps should get you to your desired stage of Valentine’s Day plans (My proteges have shown a 23.7% success rate). However, in the slight chance that this fails, I guess a little chocolate and flowers never hurt anyone.