Republican Majority Will Lead to Infringement on Women’s Right to Abortion

By Linnea Leidy, Opinion Editor

Donald Trump hasn’t even taken office yet, and already he and the general conservative wing have begun infringing on women’s rights; so begins the disheartening descent as the clock of feminist progress spins back 40 years.

While abortion rights have been highly contested and consistently breached in recent years, there has been a notable spike in proposed pro-life legislation since Trump’s unanticipated victory on Nov. 8. This is because once Trump officially takes office, he’ll have the power to fill the currently empty Supreme Court Justice seat, and he’s pledged to appoint someone as conservative as the late Justice Antonin Scalia. This comes as devastating news to the feminist movement because one of the primary goals of the Republican platform could lead to the scale back of reproductive rights, which could ultimately mean the repeal of the Roe vs. Wade decision.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich just signed a bill that imposes a ban on abortions after the fetus is 20 weeks old. Recent bills have been passed in other states, and some have been deemed unconstitutional several times, yet with this new right-wing majority in the government, anti-abortion advocates have the newfound power to pass even more restrictive legislation. There has been lots of talk of conservatives working to find ways to defund the Planned Parenthood organization, which provides a myriad of women’s health services. Right-wing groups in Texas have made several attempts to pass bills that would require women undergoing abortion procedures to bury the remains of their fetus, and though they’ve been halted by judges thus far, they’re only going to have more opportunities to be oppressive in the future.

Here’s where I think the issue lies: I’m fine if you are personally against abortion. If you feel that it’s wrong or sinful to undergo that procedure, then don’t get one. I’ve got a problem when people start trying to enforce legislation on the rest of the public. The way our society functions right now, with the Roe vs. Wade decision intact, is if you don’t support abortions then you don’t have to get one and your rights are still being completely safeguarded and protected. But if you change that and you begin to pass restrictive legislation that’s imposed on everyone, then you’re infringing on people’s rights. Nobody who is pro-choice believes that abortion is a fabulous experience that everyone should partake in. We’re not advocating that every pregnant woman should get an abortion. All we’re demanding is the simple right to have the option available.

This is one of the nightmares that feminists across the country feared would become a reality with a Trump presidency. At this point, our only hope is that the next four years are enough to make voters come to their senses and ensure that Trump isn’t given an additional four years to wreak havoc on women’s rights in 2020.