Homeroom Olympics Dodge Ball Tournament Ends

By Kevin Gallagher, Sport's Editor

The Homeroom Olympics dodge ball tournament came to an end yesterday at lunch with Davidson’s homeroom coming in first place. Davidson won the tournament by defeating the PALs in Nebolon’s homeroom in the championship match.

Although the match occurred just minutes after Davidson defeated Hovey’s Homeroom in a close match, the students in Davidson’s homeroom, mostly senior basketball players, seemed unfatigued as they picked off the entire PALs homeroom without losing a single player. The whole championship match lasted barely three minutes, ending when the sole surviving player in Nebolon’s homeroom, Ms. Nebolon herself, lobbed a ball which was caught by senior Jack Hagerty.

This year’s tournament consisted of 38 homerooms battling it out over the last two weeks, by ASB teacher Rob Keillor’s estimate, over 450 students participated.

Following this event Nebolon’s homeroom was able to protect their lead in the Homeroom Olympics. For an update on the current standings keep tuned.