Ping Pong Tournament

This year’s ping pong tournament was a battle among some of SDA’s most talented people with a paddle. Both the tournaments began last week Dec.1, and went into overtime during lunch Dec. 8. Paddlers from all corners of the school participated in the quick-thinking and reflex-testing sport.
Teams and singles players crammed together among six tables. All lined up side by side in the back of the gym. Some practiced against the cinder block wall, warming up for their match. There was a sense of determination in the room, along with the vibes of some friendly competition.

The intense match of youth vs. wisdom resulted in singles winner senior, Tony Summer. His opponent was runner-up ASB teacher Rod Keillor. Each had won one game (18-20 and 21-14), leaving the winner to be crowned off a tie breaker. The final game score was 11-6 in Summer’s favor.

Winners of the doubles tournament were seniors Blade Mehdy and Tony Summers. Runners-up were freshmen Tyler Nubling and Ian Brodbooks. Final scores: 21-15 and 21-13.