Time Capsule to be Open After AP Testing


“It’s a giant cube! a giant metal cube!” said Principal Bjorn Paige said of a recently found time capsule.

While doing the initial demo work a few weeks ago in senior court, a construction crew found what appears to be an old time capsule that was put into the ground years ago. Not much is known about the capsule, Paige said.“We know that it’’s metal. We know that it’s a cube. We know it’s rusty. We know where we found it,” said Paige.

Different sources have given different times for the date of the time capsule and nothing has been yet confirmed. “I’ve heard people say with certainty, ‘Oh yeah it was fifteen years ago,’ or ‘No, it was 1971,’” said Paige. “There is nothing on the outside that distinguishes when it was put in.”

The apparent time capsule is on display in the Learning Commons and is going to stay there for at least the next couple of months. The administration is not going to open it until after AP testing in May, Paige said. They are working with ASB to find the best approach to opening it, he said.