Seniors Leave Their Mark at SDA

By Vicky van der Wagt, Sports Editor

Seniors spent Tuesday and Friday this week decorating their senior tiles in the painting room during the mornings of CAASPP testing.

According to senior director Oceana Haaland, the tiles are going to be put up behind the library.

Students painted a variety of images on their tiles, ranging from their favorite animals to inside jokes between friends.

“I’m going to draw the Dodge Demon logo. Dodge Demon’s awesome,” said senior Daniel Magnuson.

Senior Madison Rees drew a dog on her tile. “I like dogs, and that’s my catchphrase,” said Rees.

“I’m drawing this saying that I came up with in sociology class,” said senior Molly Levy. “We were talking about norms, and we said that everybody here is so granola because we live in Encinitas. I’m going to school there and everybody there is very kale so I’m writing ‘Leaving the granola people to join the kale people.’”

Seniors Hannah Fawcett and Ashni Varma combined their tiles to make a joint drawing. “Ashni and I have this thing where every time we say anything over text we say ‘Oki doki artichoke,’ so we painted an artichoke and wrote ‘Okie dokie artichoke,’” said Fawcett.

Seniors can work on their senior tiles before CAASPP testing on Monday.